Five Recent IPOs To Keep An Eye On

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The Unicorns (Uber, Pinterest, Airbnb) are going public and people are talking about IPOs again. My rule of thumb is that if a new IPO is very popular, it will be too hard to extract money in the first few months. LYFT is the most recent example. FB was also a dud in its first few months as a public company. It didn’t start trending before it crushed earnings estimates and gapped near all-time highs. The situation in BABA was similar.

When it comes to recent IPOs is better to stick to companies most people haven’t heard off that are showing constructive price action. Timing is also very important. The two best market environments for trading recent IPOs are:

  1. Right after a major market correction. Due to their small float, recent IPOs tend to be very volatile. They can easily go down 50% – 90% if the S&P 500 loses 10-15%. They can just as easily double and triple in the initial stages of a market recovery.
  2. When the general market is in an uptrend and risk appetite is growing.

Here are five less-talked-about recent IPOs that are currently showing constructive price action: INSP, TENB, DOMO, EVOP, PS.

Check out my latest two trading books:

Swing Trading with options – How to Trade Big Trends for Big Profits

Top 10 Trading Setups – How to find them, hot to trade them, hot to make money with them.

Momentum Monday – New All-Time Highs Ahead?

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Bull markets often correct through sector rotation. When many leading enterprise software stocks were hit last week, the market averages didn’t skip a beat. The money just rotated into other sectors – semiconductors, energy, financials, retailers, biotech.

The dips are still welcomed as buying opportunities by many. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq 100 are less than 2% below new all-time highs. The U.S.-China trade deals seems to be priced in. In other words, expectations going into the next earnings season, which starts next week, are high so companies better not disappoint.

Check out my latest two trading books:

Swing Trading with options – How to Trade Big Trends for Big Profits

Top 10 Trading Setups – How to find them, hot to trade them, hot to make money with them.

Notable Relative Strength In Uniqure

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In late February, after Roche paid a hefty premium to buy Spark Therapeutics (ONCE) for $4.3 Billion. The acquisition ignited a rally in the entire gene therapy industry. Uniqure (QURE) gained 50% in a day going from $40 to $60. It is still considered an acquisition candite. Its current market cap is $2.3 Billion.

After the gap, QURE consolidated through time for a few days. Then, it broke out again and it quickly ran to $70, only to retrace back to $60, where buyers are stepping up again today. While most momentum stocks are under pressure today, QURE is up more than 4% and it is perking up from a tight range contraction zone. This is a notable relative strength and a sign of institutional accumulation, which bodes well for higher prices ahead.

Check out my latest trading books:

Swing Trading with options – How to Trade Big Trends for Big Profits

Top 10 Trading Setups – How to find them, hot to trade them, hot to make money with them.