Momentum Monday – The Chop Is Back

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The indexes have the uncanny ability to erase two weeks gains in two days. Last week, we finally saw some deflation in the frothiness that had captured the market. Almost 99% of all stocks went down on Thursday. SPY dropped 6% testing its 200-day moving average. QQQ dropped 5% testing its 20-day EMA. Such big one-day drops often act as a wake-up call. The odds are that now the chasing is not going to be as mindless as in May but turning excessively bearish might be premature. Here’s why.

The price action in the past couple of months has created a buy the dip mentality which is likely to continue to support the indexes for the foreseeable future. This is not going to change easily. Even now, there are quite a few momentum stocks that are consolidating in a range and acting constructively. And yet, the trading environment has changed from a clear uptrend into choppy which requires a lot more nimbleness and careful tactical allocation.

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Momentum Monday – New All-Time Highs

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In March, people were talking about another Great Depression. Three months later, we are talking about new all-time highs and Nasdaq 10k. Other than Central Banks pumping liquidity into the system, no one can really explain why the market is going higher. It just is. What if rising prices turn into self-fulfilling prophecies and they actually help companies become stronger businesses? This is how reflexivity works. 

Last week brought another round of sector rotations – the U.S. Dollar and Treasuries dove, the leaders in software and biotech took a break, while the so-called old-economy sectors shined and had a spectacular short squeeze. There’s some element of complacency in the market right now but the market can remain frothy longer than short-sellers can remain solvent. Don’t chase blindly extended stocks but be ready to welcome dips as buying opportunities.

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Momentum Monday – Software Continues to Lead

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What are the major traits of a strong market:

  • Constant sector rotation;
  • The dips are getting bought;
  • Breakouts are following through;
  • Good news gets a positive market reaction;
  • Bad news doesn’t get a negative market reaction;
  • Relatively low correlation and volatility;
  • A wide-encompassing index like the Nasdaq Composite is trading above its rising 20, 50, and 200-day moving averages;
  • More accumulation than distribution days signifying that institutions continue to support the market and put money to work.

The current market has met most of the above mentioned for the past month or so. What changed last week? Just a few things: Volatility picked up, the daily ranges became wider, some stocks had failed breakouts and failed breakdowns. Nothing else has really changed. The market continues to shrug bad news off and the dips are still getting bought. Software stocks continue to lead while the market is correcting through short-term sector rotations. Overall, the tone remains bullish but the increase in volatility, reversals, and daily ranges might be a sign that the indexes have entered a range-bound consolidation pattern for the time being.

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