Educational Corner

Trading Earnings

How to trade earnings

Trading earnings intraday example – GRWG

Trading earnings intraday – another approach

Two types of short-term earnings setups

How to play earnings gaps – entries and exits

Earnings gaps in a bullish vs bearish tape

Three different ways to play earnings

How to trade Day 2 earnings setups


Video – The essence of trading psychology

Video – What is momentum and how to trade it

Trading Momentum

Industry momentum

How to trade high-volume setups

Trading range contractions

Tactics on trading range contractions

Two types of short-term anticipation setups

A simple way to find the current momentum leaders in the market

How to find good short-term swings

How to find a stock likely to trend intraday

The setups that make the biggest swing moves

What are the biggest challenges of a rising market and how can we approach them

Simple breakout scan

Buying on dips

Market Timing

Using NASI and its 20dma

Bear Markets

How to find and trade short ideas

How to approach choppy, corrective markets: part1, part2, part 3

How to approach a choppy, corrective tape within a bull market

Big gaps in a bear market vs big gaps in a bull market

How to spot market bottoms

How to play potential market bottoms

What to know about big corrections

What to buy after a bear market is over

Managing Risk

Two ways to manage risk via position sizing

About correct position sizing

The difference between swing and position trading

How I use options

How to become a better trader exercise

Three skill levels for traders

How to approach reversal setups

Why pay attention to huge-volume breakouts

How manage/exit trades

Momentum Monday – Constant Sector Rotations

The charts in this video are powered by MarketSmith

Bull markets correct through sector rotation. We see that every week. This is what keeps the market going without having any significant correction. Last week, we saw energy, industrial metals and biotech pulling back while tech mega-cap woke up, Chinese, homebuilders, and highly-shorted stocks sky-rocketed. We see a version of it every single week. Obviously, it is not going to last forever. Bull market rallies end when there’s not a single cloud in the sky but as Peter Lynch likes to say “far more money has been lost by investors preparing for corrections, or trying to anticipate corrections, than during the corrections themselves”. When we start seeing more breakdowns, we can focus on short setups. At the very least, we want to see first the major indexes (SPY, QQQ, IWM) trading below its previous week’s lows. This hasn’t happened since October.

The WSJ posted an article that a basket of the most shorted stocks is up 25% year to date. There’s a saying that a high flying stock is not going to top until the last short seller is squeezed. This is why we see a big acceleration in highly shorted stocks before they top out. GME is a good example from last week. 

Every share that has ever been shorted will be covered at some point. Covering means buying. When a significant percentage of a stock’s float is short, it has a lot of short squeeze material. Short sellers cover for two main reasons:

  1. When the stock they are shorting has been decimated and reached their target levels.
  2. When they are forced to cover because the price of the stock they are short keep rising.

Momentum money has been going hard after the highly shorted stocks lately. Some names to keep an eye on for the next week: FUBO, SNOW, RKT, CRSR, AI, GOGO, etc.

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Disclaimer: Everything I share is for educational and informational purposes only and it should not be considered financial advice.

Momentum Monday – Stock Picker’s Market

The charts in this video are powered by MarketSmith

The two big catalysts in the past couple of months that have defined everything in the stocks market are: 

  1. The U.S. election results – clean energy stocks accelerated their ascent since then. Cannabis stocks gapped up and have been clear leaders. Semiconductors and biotech have also been extremely strong post the elections for their own unpolitical reasons. The odds are that those sectors will continue to lead in 2021 but that doesn’t mean chase them when they are up multiple days in a row. Wait for proper setups that create better risk/reward entry points – pullbacks to rising 20 day moving average or a range contraction. 
  2. The announcement of a working COVID vaccine – after Pfizer and Moderna revealed their vaccines, retailers, financials, and energy gapped up and have been among the leaders since then. Basically, they are the reasons the small-cap ETFs have done so well. Russel 2000 (IWM) doubled in 9 months since its March 2020 lows. To see a move of this magnitude, you have to go back all the way to 2009 when it took IIWM 14 months to double from its lows. Nothing goes up with such veracity in such a short period of time without having reactions along the way. Don’t be surprised to see 10-20% pullbacks in the indexes in 2021, but overall I expect those pullbacks (corrections) to be buying opportunities.

In the meantime, mega-cap stocks and many software stocks have pulled back or just moved sideways consolidating their gains from the first half of the year. I expected some of them to have strong pre-earnings rallies (AMZN, NFLX)  considering their reports in the previous quarter but so far I have been wrong on that. The new earnings season officially starts next week with NFLX and a bunch of financials. After that, we have the big tech and everyone else.

Try my new subscription service which includes a private Twitter feed with option and stock ideas, emails with concise market commentary and actionable swing, intraday, and position trade ideas, the Momentum 50 list of market leaders, and much more. See some of the recent testimonials.


Here’s a Google spreadsheet tracking all closed option and stock ideas shared on my private Twitter stream and emails for subscribers.

Check out my free weekly email. to get an idea of the content I share with members.

Disclaimer: Everything I share is for educational and informational purposes only and it should not be considered financial advice.