Having an exit strategy

If you are a short-term trader, the direction of the market rarely matters as you can make money on both the long and the short sides. Obviously, there are times when it is a lot easier to make money on the long side and hold positions overnight. There are times when it makes more sense to be mostly short or on the sidelines. The following is for those who for one reason or another, are primarily investors or position traders who prefer to hold their stocks for many months but want to know how to minimize their regret of selling too soon or too late. A few times a year the market will correct and will test your ability to hold your positions. The way I see it, there are two main ways to deal with it:

  1. Have a clear exit strategy. For example, you can sell 5 minutes before the market closes if your holding is about to close below its 20-day, 50-day, or 100-day moving average. You can sell the next day too. If a stock has spent a considerable time surfing above its 20, 50, or 100-day moving average, it is likely to have a considerable correction when it finally closes below them. Or it might take a few weeks/months to build a new base. Future leaders build powerful bases during market corrections.
  2. If you have a strong conviction in your holdings and you want to hold them for years, learn how to hedge. You can buy short-term puts when they are super-extended above their 20 or 50-day moving average or when they start breaking below those moving averages. The short-term puts can soften the blow of a short-term correction so you don’t end up scaring and liquidating at the lows. Keep in mind that the stocks that have treated you well for several years might not emerge as new leaders once the correction is over. The beauty of the markets is that they are perpetual opportunity machines. They constantly create a new crop of leaders that will surprise even the biggest optimists with their upside moves. 

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Disclaimer: Everything I share is for educational and informational purposes only and it should not be considered financial advice.

Momentum Monday – The Market Is In a Pullback Mode

The charts in this video are powered by MarketSmith

Joe Fahmy from joefahmy.com and Zor Capital joined us to talk momentum and the lack of thereof.

Last week started with rotation into the so-called back-to-normal (from Covid)  stocks like leisure, airlines, hotels, oil & gas, and financials. While those recovery industries were rising, interest rates were quickly accelerating putting downward pressure on tech stocks. Something broke on Thursday and the entire market started to pull back. QQQ closed below its 50-day moving average. SPY closed below its 20-day moving average. Momentum stocks as measured by the ETFs – MTUM and ARKK, had their worst performance since September-October of last year. The market is currently in a correction mode. 

There are two types of market correction:

  1. Sector rotation – the indexes remain relatively unscathed in move in a wide sideways range while money constantly rotates from one group of sectors to another. This is the most common type of correction – rotational consolidation. Basically, a stock picker’s market. 
  2. High-correlation pullback which brings down most stocks – the price action last Thursday was a good example of this. Most breakouts are faded or find very little follow-through during this market environment. Short ideas work better but they often require going through a lot more volatility, using wider stops, or selling the rips to declining 5, 10, 20-day moving averages in anticipation of another leg lower.

I believe this is a garden variety pullback that will eventually end up being another buying opportunity but while it lasts it can chop our account if we are too active. Corrections are good for future returns. Market leaders build new bases during corrections. What’s important is to protect our capital and confidence by not over-trading or oversizing any new ideas. Cash can also be a valuable position.

Try my subscription service which includes a private Twitter feed with option and stock ideas, emails with concise market commentary and actionable swing, intraday, and position trade ideas, the Momentum 40 list of market leaders, and much more. See some of the recent testimonials.


Here’s a Google spreadsheet tracking all closed options and stock ideas shared on my private Twitter stream and emails for subscribers.

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Disclaimer: Everything I share is for educational and informational purposes only and it should not be considered financial advice.

Momentum Monday – Inflation All Over the Tape

The charts in this video are powered by MarketSmith

The signs are all over the tape. Interest rates continue to spike. Soft and hard commodities haven’t been this strong in more than 15 years. The U.S. Dollar is in a downtrend. Stock markets around the world are in an uptrend led by small caps. It could be the new fiscal stimulus or the expectations for the Fed to remain accommodating for the foreseeable future or the vaccinations to end the virus sooner than most believe, but back-to-normal stocks continue to be on fire – airlines, hotels, travelling agencies, leisure stocks in general, oil & gas, financials, industrial metals like copper, nickel, steel, lithium, etc. In the meantime, many of the large and mega-cap stocks which are considered a sure thing in the long-term (AMZN, AAPL, MSFT, FB, NFLX, GOOGL, V, MA,  etc), are showing clear relative weakness. The narrative has changed at least for the time being. 

The stock market is often acting counter-intuitively. After all, who in his/her right mind would consider buying airlines that are still operating at half capacity and are dependent on government help and sell Apple and Amazon which are reporting record numbers? And yet, this is what is currently happening. The market is looking 6-12 months ahead and trying to discount a different story. The market doesn’t always end up being correct but between the process of discounting the future and the confirmation or rejection of it by reality, many stocks can go up 2-10x. This is why we pay attention to price action. The only things that change are the tickers of the leading stocks; their patterns remain the same.

Try my subscription service which includes a private Twitter feed with option and stock ideas, emails with concise market commentary and actionable swing, intraday, and position trade ideas, the Momentum 40 list of market leaders, and much more. See some of the recent testimonials.


Here’s a Google spreadsheet tracking all closed option and stock ideas shared on my private Twitter stream and emails for subscribers.

Check out my free weekly email. to get an idea of the content I share with members.

Disclaimer: Everything I share is for educational and informational purposes only and it should not be considered financial advice.