Momentum Monday – Tech and Biotech Continue to Lead

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The market continues to rise on both bad and good news for the economy. The dips are still getting bought ferociously. High-momentum software stocks just keep making new all-time highs squeezing short sellers out of their shares. 

The Fed has expanded its balance sheet to record levels showering the market with unprecedented liquidity. The government has come up with a new stimulus package every couple weeks or so. The FOMO is in full force as more and more sidelined money is joining the party. 

The number of new coronavirus cases is climbing rapidly and yet the death rate is declining. There seems to be a new vaccine breakthrough announcement almost every week. Every time it is announced, hotels, restaurants, and retailers rally for a day or two but can’t sustain their momentum for too long. By now it has become clear that no matter the breakthroughs, the world is at least 6-9 months away from a safe, tested, and working vaccine and even when we get one, it is not really going to stop some of the strong trends that accelerated due to COVID – e-commerce, working from home, etc. The money never sleeps. It always goes somewhere and major trends tend to last a lot longer than most expect.

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Momentum Monday – Will the Dip be bought again?

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The software continues to be the main game in town as the number of new covid cases in the U.S. has started to climb quickly again. Obviously, any company that works on a vaccine or offers diagnostic tests and protective gear is also in good shape. Gold and gold miners are consolidating near their 52-week highs and are looking constructively. The stocks of the rest of the sectors are slowly starting to roll down. The number of distribution days in the major stock indexes has increased significantly in the past couple of weeks, so it would not be a big surprise of even the Nasdaq 100 tests its 50-day moving average at some point in the next week or so. Dip buyers are still active and would welcome such pullback as a buying opportunity.

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Momentum Monday – Biotech and Software on Fire

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The market strives to be forward-looking. One can make the argument that it is currently discounting the potential of a second Covid wave or at the least, the realization that the virus might stay with us and impact every aspect of our lives for a lot longer than previously expected. This would explain the extreme strength in software, online retail, biotech, protective gear equipment, diagnostics test stocks last week. So many new all-time highs among those names. Even gold woke up from its nap last Friday. Clearly, the market is confident that the Fed will bail everyone out and it is trying to highlight the potential winners in a Covid world.

Try my new subscription service which includes a private Twitter feed with option and stock ideas, emails with concise market commentary and actionable swing and position trade ideas, the Momentum 50 list of market leaders, and much more. See some of the recent testimonials.


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