Momentum Monday – The Big Are Getting Bigger

The most followed indexes – QQQ, SPY, and IWM are above their 10, 20, and 50-day moving averages; In other words, in a clear uptrend. Six stocks account for more than 50% of the Nasdaq 100 and 23% of the S&P 500  – AAPL, FB, AMZN, GOOGL, MSFT, TSLA. All of them are looking constructively. 

In the meantime, many momentum leaders have been under pressure. Biotech is among the worst-performing sectors for the past month. XBI is looking vulnerable to further downside pressure. If XBI loses 107.50, it might test 110. Most software stocks didn’t have a great earnings season. We saw quite a few selloffs and the usual bounces have not been very convincing: AYX, CRWD, BILL, TWLO, etc. There are more bearish setups but most of those setups have been failing and reversing higher.

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Disclaimer: Everything I share is for educational and informational purposes only and it should not be considered financial advice.

Momentum Monday – Rotation into Small Caps?

Some of the major themes that are currently defining the price action in the U.S. stock market:

  1. Asset inflation and the U.S. Dollar. It is simple, if the U.S. Dollar continues to lose ground, people will attempt to protect of purchasing power of their capital and the price of many assets is likely to go up – stocks, real estate, crypto, precious metals.
  2. So many breakdowns in software stocks after they reported earnings illustrating that the COVID-related restrictions and spending cuts are not favorable for all tech stocks. This has been an ongoing theme for a second week in a row.
  3. Small caps finally woke up. I don’t know if it is because of the expectations of another stimulus, a working vaccine, or just catching up with the rest of the market. A potential rotation into small-caps will only prolong the current rally in stocks.
  4. More strength in solar. Every single earnings report in solar has led to a gap and go this quarter. None of those reports showed spectacular growth. The market is forward-looking and buying in anticipation of a major new clean energy bill.
  5. The dips in mega-cap tech stocks like AAPL, FB, AMZN, and GOOGL are still scooped up. Obviously, no company is completely invincible and politicians like to attack the big and successful.
  6. We saw some epic melt-ups in highly shorted stocks – CVNA, W, OSTK, CELH, etc.. While fun while they last, typically those tend to happen towards the end of a bullish cycle. They are not the perfect timing indicator but it is something to be aware of.

Try my new subscription service which includes a private Twitter feed with option and stock ideas, emails with concise market commentary and actionable swing, intraday, and position trade ideas, the Momentum 50 list of market leaders, and much more. See some of the recent testimonials.


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Disclaimer: Everything I share is for educational and informational purposes only and it should not be considered financial advice.

Momentum Monday – Digital Dominance

So far this earnings season has confirmed what the market has long suspected and priced – Big Tech, e-commerce, network infrastructure, social media, and 5G stocks are thriving in the new COVID world. Now, the big question is, how many of those stellar earnings gaps in stocks that have already run 50% in the past few months are “sell the news” events and how many will just keep going higher? My suspicion is that we will get a little bit of both. Some of the gaps in popular stocks will be initially faded (see SHOP and AMZN after their best earnings ever) but the pullbacks in those same names to their 20 and 50-day moving averages will continue to get bought. Some of the old leaders will continue to lead (FB, AAPL). There will be quite a few new leaders emerging out of this earnings season.

Try my new subscription service which includes a private Twitter feed with option and stock ideas, emails with concise market commentary and actionable swing, intraday, and position trade ideas, the Momentum 50 list of market leaders, and much more. See some of the recent testimonials.


Here’s a Google spreadsheet tracking all closed option and stock ideas shared on my private Twitter stream and emails for subscribers.

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