Momentum Monday – Another post-FOMC selloff

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The large-caps ETF SPY, the small-caps ETF IWM, and the semiconductor ETF SMH were rejected again near their declining 50-week moving average after the FOMC meeting and Powell’s briefing last Wednesday. They keep making lower highs. The downtrend is still firmly intact.

The Fed raised interest rates again. This time by “only 50bps”. The market was paying more attention to their guidance – the majority of Fed members expect an interest rate of 5%+ for the entire 2023. The market sold off because it believes that the Fed might be behind the curve again, potentially laying down the foundation for a recession at some point in 2023. The Fed is not worried about a recession. It has proven that it is easy to get out of one – cut interest rates, buy bonds, flood the system with liquidity, and encourage more fiscal spending by the government. What they have not proven yet is that they can stop inflation. This is why I understand their willingness to overdo the tightening but to make sure the inflation bug is squished for good.

Recessions are not as scary as the mass media is trying to present them. They are a natural part of the economic cycle and eventually result in a stronger, leaner, more productive economy. I don’t know how long this bear market is going to last. For some stocks, it has been 22 months long already so we are very likely in the second half of it. When this bear market ends, it will present a generational opportunity to build wealth. You have to have the capital to take advantage of it. This is why it is important to protect it during turbulent times.

Bear markets are rare and there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of volatile markets if you are a skillful short-term trader. The average investor is not. I am still active every single day but I trade smaller. There will be better times to be aggressive. 

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Disclaimer: Everything I share is for educational and informational purposes only and it should not be considered financial advice.

Momentum Monday – Improving Price Action

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I don’t remember the last time the Fed chairman spoke and the market didn’t tank. Turns out Powell is seeing and acknowledging the same thing the market is – inflation might be slowing down so there are enough reasons to slow down the pace of hikes as soon as December. The market liked what it heard and staged a massive rally on Wednesday. 

The S&P 500 is less than 2% from its 50-week MA, which has been a major resistance during the correction this year. Going and starting to trade above it would be a significant event from a technical and psychological point of view. Obviously, we are not there yet and this bounce might turn out to be just another shorting opportunity, especially if the Fed is hawkish during its last FOMC meeting for the year on December 14. What matters right now is that we see more stocks from various industries break out and set up for potential breakouts. The dip buyers seem in control. Even the strong payroll report last Friday was insufficient to stop the bull run. 

Here are a few industry themes that are currently standing out:

Solar stocks continue to show notable relative strength. ENPH tested its 10 and 20-day EMAs multiple times in the past few weeks, only to finally break out on Friday. If it doesn’t fail next week, other solar stocks are likely to join the rally – SEDG, SPWR, RUN, ARRY, etc.

The sentiment towards Chinese stocks might have changed. All the news about protests in China and Chinese ADRs have been gapping up almost every day last week. It could be just a temporary short squeeze or the foundation for something bigger. The Chinese tech ETF, KWEB is back above its 50-week moving average for the first time since April 2021.

Speaking of 50-week moving averages, the biotech ETF $XBI  is finally back above it. This is an important indicator of risk appetite and can have significant implications for fear of missing out in December. Some biotechs to keep an eye on: AXSM, PRTA, MRTX, VRTX, REGN, NBIX, AMLX, HRMY, HALO, etc. 

One of the factors that might cool the market enthusiasm down is the potential escalation of the war in Ukraine. The market is expecting that something might happen as defense stocks broke out across the board on Friday – BA, LMT, NOC, etc. Steel names have been rising too – STLD, NUE, X.

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Disclaimer: Everything I share is for educational and informational purposes only and it should not be considered financial advice.

Momentum Monday – Value Stocks Continue to Shine

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The market had its bounce in October and so far in November and SPY is back to its declining 200dma. Can we see some chasing and FOMO in December or will more selling follow? No one really knows. There are good arguments for both scenarios. I want to remain open-minded and trade the setups that show up instead of guessing the market direction. 

Most breakouts have not been following through lately unless there is an immediate earnings catalyst. Such price behavior reveals a lack of urgency to own and chase in this market. In the meantime, some strong stocks have consistently accumulated on dips to potential support areas. The solar stock ENPH is a prime example. Every single breakout attempt has been met with fierce resistance, yet every pullback to its 10 or 20-day EMA has been scooped up. 

My philosophy is that the market is forward-looking. It constantly tries to look 6-9 months ahead in the future and imagine what could happen. Take for example the price action in Zoom (ZM) – it has been declining for many months while its earnings and sales have been still impressive. Just now, we are starting to see a slowdown in their growth. The market anticipated that and acted accordingly. Price action has been a good leading indicator. Or take into account the market reaction in retailers this earnings season. The vast majority of them reported dismal numbers and yet, we saw rallies that seemed a bit counterintuitive. The market is seeing the potential for a recovery that is not reflected yet in those companies’ earnings. The former are forward-looking, and the latter are backward-looking. I rather trust price action than current earnings growth.

Try my subscription service which includes a private Twitter feed with option and stock ideas, emails with concise market commentary and actionable swing, intraday, and position trade ideas, the Momentum 40 list of market leaders, and much more. See some of the recent testimonials.


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Disclaimer: Everything I share is for educational and informational purposes only and it should not be considered financial advice.