Selling Premium, Naked

Naked premium selling involves selling simple calls or puts without having a position in the underlying asset or without hedging with additional option positions.

A typical example is selling SPY $117 March CALLS, currently trading for $.47 or selling SPY $111 March PUTS, currently trading for $.48. The maximum profit for both examples is the received premium. For the CALLS break-even is at 117.47 at opex; for the PUTS – break-even is at 110.52. The maximum loss is unlimited for the CALLs as theoretically SPY could rise to infinity in the next two weeks (I know it sounds ridiculous, but just pointing out the risks). The maximum loss for the PUTs is $110.52 per share as theoretically SPY could go to zero in the next two weeks.

Selling naked calls is an alternative to shorting. For example you might want to short certain stock, but there are no shares available to borrow or/and the IV of the Calls is elevated and you want to take an advantage of potential volatility crash;

Selling naked puts is an alternative to going long. For example you might want to go long certain stock, because it has declined significantly and for a “stupid” reason over the past month, but you are not sure how far the decline will go and you would like to take advantage of the elevated IV of the option. During severe and fast declines, options’ IV tend to increase significantly as fear has risen.

The general rule is to sell premium when you expect it to decline due to a move in the underlying asset, IV crash and time depreciation.

Premium sellers play the role of insurers. They offer the right to buy from them (via selling calls) or to sell to them (via selling puts).

Selling front month naked options is usually done to take advantage of elevated IV and accelerating time depreciation. Find an overextended stock with liquid options; stock that has declined significantly over the past few weeks.  You would like to own at this level, but you are not sure if the decline will continue and how far it will go. Sell front month OTM puts to collect premium. If the underlying continues to decline, you will enter at much lower price in a stock that you would like to own at these levels. If the stock reverses up, you will keep a hefty premium as the IV will crash and theta and delta will be on your side.

Selling naked LEAPS (long-term options, typically having 12 months + till expiration).  You find an overextended stock, to the upside or to the downside. If you sell front month OTM calls or puts, you won’t receive too much of a premium as there is not much time left till expiration. You are also not sure how far the selected stocks will go. In short-term perspective, irrationality reigns and anything can happen. Selling OTM LEAPS solves that problem. You receive a hefty time premium and in the same time you give the stock enough time to catch up with its fundamentals. In the mean time you could use the received premium to invest in other ideas.

Selling OTM LEAPS is one of  Warren Buffett favorite strategies. After all he is in the insurance business. He likes to sell premium when there is fear in the market. In 2007 and 2008 he sold long-term  index derivatives for $2.5 billion, betting that in the long-term  the stock market tends to increase in value. Selling long-term puts of companies that he plans to acquire is also often practiced.

Covered call

Covered call is a position in which you simultaneously buy the underlying stock and sell a call option against it. Its main purpose is to collect premium and have some cushion in case the underlying declines in value.

A typical example of a covered call is buying 100 shares of DOW, currently at $30.00, and selling against them 1 DOW April $32 Call, currently trading at .53 (or 1.75% of the underlying price). Against every hundred shares that you own, you can sell one call.  The best case scenario is DOW closes a little bit above 32 and you keep the premium + you make $2. If it closes at let say 31.50, you still keep the premium, keep your shares and you make 1.50 from the move in the stock. Break-even of this covered call is at 29.43, because you are keeping the premium no matter what. Anything below 29.43 is a loss.

Under what circumstances is a good idea to initiate a covered call?

I believe it is a good strategy for people’s IRA. Let say you own a relatively low beta stock that pays a nice annual dividend. (stocks like PM, DOW, KO…). The stock is in your long-term core holdings. A covered call strategy will let you decrease your cost basis. Every month, you are going to sell 5% OTM Call options against your equity and collect a premium. Typically 5% OTM calls with 4 weeks to expiration are traded anywhere between 0.5% and 2% of the stock’s price, depending on volatility. For the purposes of the post, we’ll work with 1%. Every month, no matter what happens with the stock you will collect about 1% premium. If the stock doesn’t change its value, in the end of the year you will have 12% from selling premium + the dividend that the stock pays.

A downside of this strategy could be a missed opportunity if the underlying stock rises significantly above the strike of the sold OTM call. For example if in the next 6 weeks DOW goes up to 38, you will miss on the profit from 32 to 38, because you sold a $32 strike call. This is why, the covered call is an appropriate strategy for low beta stocks that pay nice sized dividends.

Recently some bank executives have used covered calls to get paid. They received bonuses in company’s shares, without being able to sell them in the next 2 years. Guess what? They still got paid by selling ATM and slightly OTM Calls expiring in 2 years against their stocks. Certainly the received premium is much less than the current stock price, but if you need your money now and can’t sell stocks, covered calls is one way to solve the problem.

If DOW is in your long-term holding, it means that you will be willing to add to your position on dips. An alternative to waiting for dips could be selling 5% OTM PUT options and collecting premium against it. In the case with DOW, currently trading at 30.00, you could sell April $28 PUTS for about .70 (or 2.3% of the stocks’ price). Typically 5% OTM puts with 4 weeks to expiration are traded for about .5% – 2% of the price of the underlying asset. You could sell 5% OTM PUTs every month and collect let say 1% premium. If the stock doesn’t experience tremendous volatility during the year, in the end you would have 12% gain only from selling premium via PUT options. If your stock drops to below the strike of your PUT, you will get exercised and you would have to buy shares at the strike at which  each option was sold. For example, if DOW declines to 26 you will be exercised and you’ll have to buy it at $28, because you sold April $28 PUTs.

What will happen if you combine the two strategies and every month you sell 5% OTM Calls and 5% OTM Puts against your equity. Assuming your stock’s price starts and closes the year at approximately the same price, you have guaranteed minimum 24% income from premium + the dividend it pays. (broker’s commissions are not taken into account. The lower your capital and the more often you trade, the bigger the negative impact of commissions on your return).

Vertical spreads

The options world is multidimensional and it offers countless ways to implement a trading idea. In this post, I look at debit and credit spreads. Spreads are directional strategies with limited reward and limited risk.

A typical debit spread is long ORCL 25/26 March Call spread. In this case, you are buying the $25 ORCL March Call and simultaneously sell $26 ORCL March Call against it, to decrease the paid premium. The maximum risk is the paid premium. The maximum reward is the difference between the spread (in this case $1) and the paid premium. The main purpose of buying premium via a debit spread is to establish a directional trade and minimize the negative effects of IV and time.

A typical credit spread is short ORCL 25/24 March Put spread. Here we sell a higher strike put to collect the premium and use part of the proceeds to buy a lower strike put, which role is to hedge against unexpected strong decline in the stock. The maximum that we could make is the collected premium if ORCL remains above 25 at expiration date. The maximum we could lose is the difference between the spread of the two strikes and the received premium  (in this case: 1 – .38 = .62 if ORCL closes below $24 at expiration date; see the table below). The main purpose of initiating a credit spread is to establish a directional trade and to get the needed leverage with limited risk. A secondary purpose is to utilize the positive effects of IV and theta.

Let assume that for some reason you are slightly bullish on ORCL for the next 2-3 weeks. By slightly bullish I mean an expectation of a 2-5% move. At the moment of writing, ORCL is traded for $24.82. Let analyze the elements that will impact the premium of ORCL 25/26 March call and ORCL 25/24 put:

What would be the impact on each of the positions if in the next 5 days ORCL goes up $1 to 25.82 and the IV of the contracts decline by 4 percentage points to 20?

In the 25/26 March call spread, the impact of delta would be a gain of $0.2463 per share, the impact of vega will be a loss of (-4)*0.0056 = -$0.0224; the impact of theta will be a loss of 5*(-.0037) = -$0.0185. The overall change in the position is expected to be a gain of $0.2054 or 56% above the base of .36 that we paid. You can see that the effect of vega and theta is minimal in this case and delta is the main driver of profit.

Buying premium by going long a spread reduces the impact of time, but doesn’t eliminate it. In the example, we bought a lower strike call and sold against it a higher strike call in order to minimize the impact of vega and theta. We purchased a spread that is slightly OTM. In order for us to make money, ORCL needs to start moving up and to do it fast, because the more the expiration date approaches, the bigger the negative impact of theta becomes. This is one of the main reasons why I prefer to use short-term spreads to sell premium.

One alternative of going long ORCL via a spread is by selling a put spread for a premium. We don’t have to wait until expiration in order to collect our gain. As the time passes, ORCL price rises and if IV declines, the premium for the 25/24 put will decline and we could purchase it back at a lower price and keep the difference. Let refer to the example.

What will be the change in the 25/24 ORCL March Put spread if the stock goes up $1 in the next 5 days and the IV drops 4 percentage points? The premium will drop – $0.2353 due to delta; 4*(-.0037) = – $0.0148 due to vega; 5*(-.0012) = -$0.006 due to theta. The overall decline will be – $0.2561, which means that the 25/24 ORCL March Put spread will trade for (.38 – .2561) = $.1239. We could purchase it back to offset our position and keep the difference of almost 26 cents per share.

You could see in this example that the effect of theta and vega was relatively small compared to the effect of delta. What does it mean? To make money trading spreads, you need the underlying stock to move in the expected direction and to do it quickly. You need to pay attention to IV. The simple rule to buy short-term premium when you expect the IV to increase is valid here also. Just to remind you, IV tends to rise in expectations of a major event such as an earnings report or when the underlying stock is rapidly declining. Here is a snapshot of ORCL IV:

The chart is courtesy of OX

As a general rule, when volatility is high, options tend to sell at a premium, when low, options tend to sell at a discount. In an effort to trade options successfully, it is important to understand their relative price history. We don’t only want to know if the IV is historically low or high, but also and more importantly if the IV is rising or declining and how far it is likely to go.

ORCL is scheduled to report earnings on March 17th, AMC. As this date is approaching the IV is likely to rise.

After Implied Volatility, the most misunderstood and underestimated topic in the options world is liquidity. There are about 100 stocks and indexes, which options contracts are liquid enough to be traded profitably. Many options traders lose the battle before it even begins. At the moment you get filled on an options spread, you are in a losing position. You paid a commission to your broker. In the case of a bull call spread, you most likely paid the offer price for  your long call and you got the bid price for your short call with higher strike. The lack of sufficient liquidity will put the trader of OTM options and spreads at a huge disadvantage. Not all options are liquid enough to be considered for a trade. In a future post I will come up with a list, revealing stocks, indexes and ETFs which options posses the needed liquidity.

To summarize, it makes sense to buy premium via vertical spreads when:

1) You expect a certain stock to gradually increase or decline in value in the following 3 to 6 months.

2) You want to minimize the effect of IV and theta. You rely exclusively on the move of the underlying stock in order to profit

3) You don’t want to allocate too much capital on this particular trading idea and you don’t want to overpay in terms of risk and time premium.

4) The options contracts of the stock/index you like are highly liquid, therefore you could easily get in and out without losing too much on the difference between the ask and the bid for your contract.

5) The purchased vertical offers at least 3:1 reward to risk. A good example would be buying A three month 40/45 call spread for a debit of 1.20. In this case, your maximum loss is 1.20. Maximum gain is 3.80.

6) Don’t risk more than 1% of your trading capital on any vertical trade. This means that if your capital is 100k and the premium of the debit spread you are looking at is $2, you cannot afford to buy more than 5 contracts.

It makes sense to sell premium via vertical spreads when:

1) you have directional bias for the next few weeks

2) the IV is high and you expect it to decline.

3) You want to profit from theta. With each day, theta will add a little to your position. This is why I mentioned that mainly short-term credit spreads should be considered: 10-15 days before expiration, when the wasting effect of theta is the biggest and it is increasing exponentially.

4) It is preferable to sell OTM credit spreads, because they carry the most time value and therefore will erode more quickly.

5) Don’t risk more than 1% of your trading capital. If you are currently working with 100k and the premium of a $5 spread you like to sell is $2, you cant afford to sell more than 3 contracts. (1% of 100k is 1000 and $3 is your maximum risk  per share)

Unfortunately, this post turned out to be too long for my taste, but I couldn’t make it any shorter without missing some essential points. In the next post, I will share my thoughts on Selling premium – dressed and naked. The first should become one of the favorite strategies of long-term investors, the second is a favorite strategy of many hedge funds.