The StockTwits Edge is Here

I finally received the first hard copy of The StockTwits Edge and I can tell you that it looks amazing. Big format, 350 pages of high quality content, focused on the real HOW and WHY in the market; filled with over 100 great looking charts, figures and tables; featuring battle-tested setups for different asset classes and time frames from some of the most prominent figures of the financial web.

It feels good to see the end result of 6 months relentless labor that I, Phil and Howard shared.

Big thank you to all the awesome contributors, who shared in details their hard-earned approaches on the pages of the book. There is something to learn from everyone.

Big thank you to all the folks form Wiley – Kevin, Megan, Mary, Simone, Cristin, who did a ton of work behind the scenes.

Big thank you to Howard Lindzon who took a huge leap of faith in trusting me with managing this project.

If you are interested in more information about this book, you could visit its website or ask me

Interpretation is not Misinformation

Today $SODA lost more than 8% from its value. @firstadopter claims that the reason behind the price decline is misinformation, part of which was distributed via Twitter and StockTwits. While I agree that he makes a good point, he is not entirely correct. Interpretation is not misinformation. Everyone has the right to interpret a message however they like. Differing opinions make the market. You can buy or sell, but you can’t tell the market how to react. Market reaction is a function of sentiment, risk appetite and conviction.

I applaud @firstadopter’s crusade for honesty and transparency, but we have to accept the reality. The market is often irrational. Reaction to news is more important than the news itself. It is not rare to see a stock to sell off after the underlying company reports incredible earnings. It is what it is. You adapt and move on.

Disclosure: Currently I have no position in $SODA. I took advantage of the earnings driven short squeeze in May and I don’t have any troubles buying the stock if it sets up again.