Momentum Monday – Melt-up Mode

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The speculative juices are running high. The small-cap index, Russell 2k broke out from its 8-month long base and it hasn’t looked back. Maybe, this explains the resurrection of the so-called meme stocks  – CAR, GME, AMC, BBBY, etc. 

The Nasdaq 100 keeps making new all-time highs, led by semiconductors (NVDA, AMD, SMH)  and mega-caps like TSLA, GOOGL, MSFT, AAPL, FB. Even AMZN and SHOP which missed earnings estimates are rising and acting constructively. All news is good news in a bull market.

The S&P 500 is also moving up. Pfizer’s antiviral pill news fueled a rally in reopening industries – leisure, travel, entertainment. We saw big jumps in ABNB, LYV, JETS, LYFT, UBER, SBUX, DIS, BA., etc. In addition, the infrastructure bill finally passed Friday night and might stir some upside action in steelmakers like X, CLF, NUE, equipment manufacturers like CAT, GE, the entire construction space, and some clean energy stocks like BLNK, CHPT, WBX, FCEL, BE, etc. The question is how big will those names gap up on Monday and will we see an initial “sell the news” event?

To top it off, even the perennial dogs, cannabis stocks woke up on Friday. MSOS, GRWG are two ways to play that move.

The FOMO is palpable. One can make the argument that there’s some element of froth in the current tape and complacency often leads to a rug pull. Don’t rush too much with contrarianism. Remember that bull markets correct through sector rotation. This means the indexes can continue higher or dip very little while select sectors and stocks have a more sizable pullback.

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Disclaimer: Everything I share is for educational and informational purposes only and it should not be considered financial advice.

Momentum Monday – One Resilient Market

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We judge current sentiment by the market’s reaction to the news. Apple, Amazon, Shopify missed earnings estimates citing supply chain difficulties and yet finished the week where they started it or higher. Google and Microsoft reported another set of strong numbers and rocketed to new all-time highs. Bad news counts for nothing and good news leads to big moves higher. This is one resilient market. 

Anything clean energy continues to be on fire. TSLA had another banner week cementing its place in the trillion-dollar market cap club. Enphase (ENPH) crushed earnings estimates and fueled a major rally in the solar industry. The easiest way to gain exposure to this theme is the ETF PBW, which doesn’t include only solar stocks, but also electric vehicles makers, batteries, other parts, clear energy utilities, lithium, and other rare-earth metals, fuel cells, charging stations, etc.

US Treasuries rallied, interest rates calmed down for the moment which has been a tailwind for high-multiple software stocks. Yes, there were the usual sizable earnings blowups in the sector like ZEN, UPWK, TWLO but for the most part software names have been stable and pushing higher – U, SNOW, CRWD, ZS, DDOG, NCNO, TEAM, MANH, IGV, etc. 

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Disclaimer: Everything I share is for educational and informational purposes only and it should not be considered financial advice.

Momentum Monday – Big Week for Earnings Ahead and SPACs Might Be Back

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Earnings season is like war. Every war has its heroes and casualties. Just three months ago, Snapchat’s earnings inspired a rally in all stocks that derive their income from advertising. Last week, we saw the opposite. The new iOS privacy features are impacting social media companies and they will need some time to adjust to the new reality. 

Other than the hiccup in ad-based businesses and the occasional fake breakout, the price action in the indexes has been mostly constructive. SPY is almost at all-time highs. The small-caps ETF – IWM, is making higher lows and setting up for a potential breakout. Inflation-sensitive sectors like Oil & gas, financials, metals continue to lead. Most software names are also holding remarkably well which is not typical for a rising interest rate environment – OKTA, TEAM, ZS, DDOG, U, SNOW, BILL, MDB, NOW, etc.

There’s a lot of speculative money that is not leaving the market. It’s just rotating. Just look at what happened with DWAC, PHUN, HX, SOLANA last week. 

A big earnings week is ahead – all the FAANG stock report, plus Visa, Mastercard, Exxon, Shopify, Walmart, AMD, and more than 600 other stocks. There will be thousands of reports during the next 3-4 weeks. And while the meat of earnings season is typically a choppy period for the indexes as they digest all information, it is also a time of big opportunities. Many new leaders and losers will appear on the scene. Our job is to recognize them and hop on some new trends.

Try my subscription service which includes a private Twitter feed with option and stock ideas, emails with concise market commentary and actionable swing, intraday, and position trade ideas, the Momentum 40 list of market leaders, and much more. See some of the recent testimonials.


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Disclaimer: Everything I share is for educational and informational purposes only and it should not be considered financial advice.